Anton Kisselgoff studied painting, drawing and architecture at the St. Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts/ Russia and later received a professional degree in Architecture from Cornell University.

“Growing up in the Soviet Union photography was more of a diversion, a tool to create a different reality. After I immigrated to the United States it took almost 20 years before the camera became a tool again, however,  this time used to learn and reconcile the new reality.

Trained as an architect I find architectural photography particularly rewarding as the narrative of a space is always fascinating to discover.  On a personal note the unfiltered, man-made landscape presents a complex tapestry that always stimulates my imagination. With my main interest being a memory. Not necessarily a memory of a place itself, but an associated memory it evokes, like a mnemonic device.  With each image a larger picture is being formed where at some point the collective becomes leaden with meaning.

Jorge Luis Borges tells a story of a painter who desired to paint the entire world, and painted everything in it, only to realize at the end of his life, by putting together all of the canvases, that he has painted an image of his own face.

My favorite photographer Luigi Ghirri tells this story to outline something that became very personal to me as well: “The point of departure for my photographic project, he writes, can be compared to this story. That is, there is the urge to find a cipher, a structure for every single image - which in its totality, defines something else. A subtle thread that ties autobiography and the outside world.”

I am particularly interested in bringing a meaning, albeit personal to the reality that surrounds me through photography.”

Services Include:

Architectural Photography, Videography, Aerial Photography